File Transfers with ARQ, Chat and Mapping. Mobile apps also in the works.

New customers may proceed to the product pages for the base controller or the Elecraft Power Option controller.
Existing customers may download an update at F8101ALEv4_64 Upgrade
Any existing customers who wish to purchase an upgrade to use the Elecraft Power Option should email for payment processing and product key delivery.
Thanks to all for your continued support and enthusiasm! We hope you enjoy the new version.
The CODAN Envoy sets the standard for quality, capability and durability. Our controller for the Envoy and Sentry line of radios is called Envoy Assist. It gathers all of the most important Radio, 2G ALE, and M110 Broadcast Data control together into one interface. If equipped, Digital Voice and Secure Digital Voice are also controllable.
There is no easier way to manage the Envoy than with Envoy Assist. Users may connect a TCP Socket client or a serial client to Envoy Assist’s Mil Std 110A/B modem controller in order to send and receive broadcast data via the CODAN RM50 data modem . Use the controls in the ALE group box in order to make and break 2G ALE links. Manage the RF power level, mode and change channels. Add to that 18 channel presets and the ability to toggle Hardware Data Encryption and Digital Voice.
There are lots of data display areas as well which include the Channel and Frequency, ALE indications, Link status, M110 AutoBaud, SNR and BER. Incoming data receptions are made available over a server socket which also allows multiple client connections.
ARRL Press Release for Operation Stable Mercury
The M110Terminal was created in-house here at RadCommSoft and provided free of charge to the Amateur Radio community in support of the National Guard Operation Stable Mercury.
M110Terminal allows the operator to “chat” with National Guard operators and to exchange “order wire” communications as well as properly formatted ICS-213 form data.
The M110Terminal was used in conjunction with N2CKH’s MS-DMT M110A sound card modem.